domingo, julho 30, 2006

Bamboo Computer Monitors

Bamboo Computer Monitors

April 27, 2006 02:53 AM - Warren McLaren, Sydney
What next? First it was the bamboo iPod case, followed by the bamboo keyboard, then came along the bamboo mouse. And now monitors have caught the grass fever too. Apparently due for release in the UK very soon, through, the monitors will come in 3 configurations: 15, 17 and 19 inch (£250, £275 and £330 respectively). Strangely the bamboo is treated for rot resistance, which might hinder its biodegradable properties, when it comes time to retire it. (Wholesale versions of a similar thing can be seen at Alibaba.) via Virgin Technology News.

Wal-Mart Hires Rocky Mountain Institute

June 12, 2006 08:33 AM - Jeff McIntire-Strasburg, St. Louis, MO

We're a couple of days late on this one, but Wal-Mart has taken another encouraging step in its quest to become a more sustainable company: it's hired the Rocky Mountain Institute as a consultant. RMI will work with the retail giant on efforts to double the fuel efficiency of its trucking fleet, and to cut energy use in its stores. While critics may debate the motivation underlying Wal-Mart's recent interest in energy efficiency, RMI's outreach coordinator Cory Lowe notes that the institution founded by sustainability giants Amory and L. Hunter Lovins has no problem with a corporation taking green steps to enhance its bottom line:
That, in essence, is RMI’s goal — to show companies that going green can also be a good business decision. "Our mission is to help show people that they can continue to live sort of a modern and comfortable life but do it far better in terms of energy efficiency and cut down their impact," Lowe said. "We’ve been criticized a few times for working for Wal-Mart — but our CEO feels strongly that because Wal-Mart has such a large market share that if they can decide to do things better, it can really have a huge impact."
In the business world, everything comes down to the dollar figures. "We’re making a business case, especially to these big, big clients," Lowe said. "If we can’t talk in terms of dollars and cents and how it affects their bottom line, we’re not going to be effective." Wal-Mart certainly deserves recognition for putting its money where its mouth is and hiring one of the premier consulting firms for sustainable business development. At the same time, considering RMI's capabilities, we could also argue that they're only going after low-hanging fruit at this point. RMI, for instance, is not advising the company on one of its signature concepts, Smart Growth development, but sticking to the isolated issues of fuel and energy efficiency. We'd love to see the world's largest retailer not only take the lead in doing business more sustainably, but also take a more systematic approach to greening itself, and perhaps even move to the head of the pack in arguing for more sustainable suburban development. While that concept on its face seems like an oxymoron, were Wal-Mart to start designing stores within a Smart Growth framework, suburbs could look like quite different places: there are still plenty of smaller towns that would look hard at their current development patterns were Wal-Mart to start insisting on mixed-use, walkable spaces to locate its stores.
At the same time, we don't want to risk sounding like those critics that counter each positive step with yet another demand -- that's never been a particularly productive means of engaging with corporations. We do hope, though, that Wal-Mart sees its forays in sustainable development as steps in a journey rather than destinations themselves. And we're definitely optimistic, as we know that the company will certainly bring others along as it progresses down this path. via Hugg

Fhybrid Hydrogen Powered Scooter

July 29, 2006 08:55 AM - Christine Lepisto, Berlin

Will Crijn Bouman of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands be a name to remember in green design? If his graduate project is any indication, his head is in the right place. As an Industrial Design student at TU Delft, Bouman created a prototype hydrogen powered scooter, which he calls the Fhybrid. The Fhybrid tops out at 65 km/hr (40mph) and has a range of 200 km (124 miles)--the range is extended due to energy recovery during braking. Acceleration is better than the average traditional scooter. The perfect city flitzer, this bike emits no noise nor fumes. It is driven by a 69 Nm motor in the front wheel, and has a unique parking assist capability: the scooter can be powered slowly in reverse to aid slotting it into that last tight spot on city streets. That's the theory at least.
In practice, the prototype currently runs on a Lithium-ion battery, which is unfortunately not yet recharged by the hydrogen fuel cell simulator which is currently built into the bike. The University is working on developing the hydrogen engine to make the protoype fulfill the intentions of its designer. Bouman explains:
A special course and various permits are required to build a hydrogen-powered engine. It wasn't possible to achieve this during the time period of my graduation project.

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domingo, julho 23, 2006

plástico reciclado

Recycled Tableware by Belland®Vision
July 22, 2006 11:21 AM - John Laumer, Philadelphia

Responding to an earlier post, Compostable Tableware…Or Not , a reader named “Lars” told us about a German company, Belland®Vision, which “has invented a material for tableware and maybe also future packaging that allows closed material cycling”. Caution: the Belland®Vision website is heavily flash videoed, and though extremely well done, some browsers may crash from it. Also, it requires Windows Media Player for some of the functionality.
In following correspondence with TreeHugger’s “Tips” department, Lars brought to our attention that “the closed material cycle tableware…does not need to be collected separately, as the recycling process itself separates the tableware from other items. We had a close look and determined that the sustainability dimension hangs on a business model more than on material of construction.

Apparently Belland®Vision is targeting large catered events for their tableware. They include in their price trash pickup, waste separation, and recycling to produce feedstock for more tableware. Sounds like a service contract.
The Belland®Vision tableware is not made with compostable material: original feedstock is petroleum based. Nonetheless, with the business plan offered, used tableware serves as a 100% “technical nutrient”.

Aside from the fact that the Belland®Vision business model does not work for retail consumers, the concept looks very good indeed.

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quinta-feira, julho 13, 2006

Reduzir emissões de dióxido de carbono

Para reduzir emissões de dióxido de carbono Comissão Europeia quer promover circulação de veículos a hidrogénio. PUBLICO.PT

A Comissão Europeia quer encorajar e acelerar a entrada em circulação dos veículos a hidrogénio, no âmbito do esforço de redução das emissões de dióxido de carbono, um gás com efeito de estufa.
As partes interessadas e o grande público "são convidados a pronunciar-se sobre propostas de novas regras" para "garantir a segurança do funcionamento destes veículos", uma vez que o hidrogénio é uma substância altamente inflamável, avança a comissão em comunicado.O projecto de proposta da Comissão, que será submetido a consulta pública, visa integrar os veículos a hidrogénio no quadro comunitário para a homologação por modelo. A ideia é "garantir que a respectiva comercialização na União Europeia se realize no cumprimento de normas comuns".Sublinhando que os veículos a hidrogénio "vão ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do ar na Europa", o comissário para a Indústria, Günter Verheugen, considera que "as medidas propostas vão facilitar a introdução no mercado deste tipo de veículos". Este facto poderá "promover a competitividade europeia e melhorar o ambiente de forma significativa".O hidrogénio pode ser utilizado em carros, carrinhas e autocarros e não produz emissões de monóxido de carbono, dióxido de carbono ou partículas.A data final para o envio de propostas é 15 de Setembro.

domingo, julho 02, 2006

Consórcio desenvolve investigação multidisciplinar conjunta

Fui de férias! o que é uma boa notícia. De regresso, renovo a busca optimista e encontro esta novidade do meio académico. Espero que resulte e dê frutos:

O Centro de Biologia Ambiental da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (CBA) , o Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos da Universidade do Porto (CIBIO) e o Centro de Ecologia Aplicada “Prof. Baeta Neves” do Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (CEABN) decidiram unir esforços criando um consórcio que desenvolverá investigação multidisciplinar conjunta como forma de responder adequadamente aos problemas de maior complexidade e dimensão no domínio da Bioviersidade: InBio - Rede de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva.
Afirmam os promotores tratar-se do reconhecimento da importância de Portugal, enquanto parte integrante de uma região geográfica considerada como um dos principais repositórios da diversidade biológica mundial
Os responsáveis pelo consórcio afirmam em comunicado de Imprensa: «O crescimento demográfico da espécie humana e a exploração continuada dos recursos naturais, têm causado uma progressiva erosão da diversidade biológica, que se traduz na aceleração da taxa de extinção das espécies, na fragmentação das suas populações e na diminuição da sua diversidade genética, entre outras nefastas manifestações".